Hi. Today was my first day back at college (doing A levels), something I know a lot of us are going through. It's only been one day and already I am overloaded with work and full of stress. As soon as I entered my first lesson my lecturer gave us 2 hours worth of homework to complete. I was really nervous for that lesson, believing I wasn't good enough to do biology this year and also because the lessons were doubles, meaning I was sat on the same stool for 2 hours and 20 minutes. After biology I waited until my next double lesson, which didn't start for another 2 hours and 25 minutes, so I studied hard in the library and also made a phone call to someone which ruined my entire day....anyway.... It was finally time for geography, which was also 2 hours and 15 minutes (why does it have to be so long??). Then I finally escaped home. Those were the negatives of today, a place to get my feelings and disappointments out. Now, it is time for the positives! Because there ...