We, that is Emma, Vicky, and I had the idea to start a blog together a few weeks ago, since we're all writers, journal-ers, poets, etc. and we wanted to create a shared space together.
So here we are.
I assume we'll all do our own introduction posts once we're all ready and set up and happy with the outlook, and this one here is mine. I've recently finished a level 3 BTEC in Music Technology where I filmed a music video and recorded, mixed and mastered an entire EP. I'm taking a gap year and working in a hardware/DIY store part-time. I used to be super-duper really into music, I used to play guitar and all sorts of cool creative stuff. Now, I only really take pride in my Instagram account which I've had since I was like 13 or 14... I'm 18 now.
I'm starting to think that writing is where I want to go in the world, probably journalism or some sort of professional blogger, if I ever get the motivation and audience to do so.
So yeah. That's me. Hi.
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