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Have Courage...By Emma


Today was my first day back at college (doing A levels), something I know a lot of us are going through. It's only been one day and already I am overloaded with work and full of stress. As soon as I entered my first lesson my lecturer gave us 2 hours worth of homework to complete. I was really nervous for that lesson, believing I wasn't good enough to do biology this year and also because the lessons were doubles, meaning I was sat on the same stool for 2 hours and 20 minutes.

After biology I waited until my next double lesson, which didn't start for another 2 hours and 25 minutes, so I studied hard in the library and also made a phone call to someone which ruined my entire day....anyway....

It was finally time for geography, which was also 2 hours and 15 minutes (why does it have to be so long??). Then I finally escaped home.

Those were the negatives of today, a place to get my feelings and disappointments out. Now, it is time for the positives! Because there are positives to every negative. So, here I am telling my own brain off for thinking silly thoughts....

  1. Yes we all know, Emma, everyone hates the first day back, it's not just you. It's natural to feel dread and not want to work.
  2. However, you did do work! And you actually did loads today which I am proud of you (myself!) for.
  3. Biology wasn't anything to be nervous about was it?
  4. In fact, you got to sit between two people you really like and get on with.
  5. And had a good day talking to them.
  6. You also understood 99% of what we learnt. You are better at biology than you think. You can do this.
  7. 2 hours of homework! Is that all? Because you forgot to mention that you have been given two weeks to complete it! 😂
  8. And wow. Sitting in the same space for over 2 hours. You never do that do you? You never sit on your bed watching hours and hours of Netflix until you have to get up to get food or go to the toilet. 
  9. Yes! You actually used your study time effectively. Amazing.
  10. I know the phone call ruined your day so lets go through this....
  11. Are you overreacting? Probably.
  12. Even if you are not overreacting, is this person worth any of your time?
  14. Moving on.....
  15. You spoke really well to people today, especially lecturers who sometimes make you feel uncomfortable.
  16. I didn't really have anything bad to say about Geography anyway because I like geography.
  17. I like all the people in class.
  18. It's an interesting subject.
  19. I answered some questions well today.
  20. We all try and have fun.
  21. I like my lecturer.
  22. The lesson(s) didn't go too slowly.
  23. We got a 15-20 minute break in the middle of the lesson.
  24. And yes....
  25. You escaped.....
  26. You made it home....
  27. You can relax and do whatever you want because you have a whole day off tomorrow and you don't have to worry about college or that 'other thing' until Wednesday and Thursday.
  28. Tomorrow is all about you.
  29. You can handle anything because you are brave.
Thank you for reading.




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